Ice Roller
An ideal tool to depuff and brighten tired skin,Ice Roller uses the power of cold to gently calm and relieve redness, inflammation, and puffiness.
How To use
This handheld device that can be frozen effectively in the freezer. It can be used at anytime and any place for sore muscle, tension, pain and discomfort. Ice Globes also help in shrinking pores and can be used before applying makeup. Stays cold during massage after being placed in the fridge for only 10 minutes.
- Handheld ice roller that cools and soothes the skin
- Helps relieve redness, inflammation and irritated skin
- Helps to de-puffs the under eye area and brightens it
- Soothes sinus pain, headaches and muscle tension
- Stimulates circulation and oxygenates the skin
- Can also help in reducing the appearance of large pores
- Accelerates product absorption and is great for your home spa
- Use before makeup application for a smooth finish
- Travel-friendly device that can be used anywhere
How To use
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